What is an API? A Simple Guide for Integrating Data in AMS

What is an API? A Simple Guide for Integrating Data in AMS

An API (Application Programming Interface), allows different software platforms to communicate with one another by exchanging data in real-time or on a scheduled basis. 

APIs act as a messenger that allows two software systems to talk to each other and share information. An API functions like a waiter in a restaurant. When you sit down to order, you don’t go directly to the kitchen and talk to the chef. Instead, you tell the waiter what you want. The waiter puts in your order, and when the meal is ready, the waiter brings it back to you.

The API is the "waiter" that allows one piece of software to request information or services from another software system.

How Do API's Relate to Athlete Management Systems?

An Athlete Management System (AMS) is a platform that stores human performance data. Integrating your AMS with other vendors through an API is a powerful tool to make your workflows more efficient.

By using an API, the AMS can automatically "talk" to other systems and pull in data. For instance, an API could connect your force plate data instead of manually  exporting information from from one vendor and manually entering that information into another platform (AMS, Excel, PowerBI, Google Sheets etc.)

Benefits of Using APIs to Integrate Data to AMS

Automation Saves Time: Since APIs can automatically update data, there’s no need for coaches or athletes to manually enter every piece of information. Data from force plates, GPS or other wearables, recovery technologies and many others can automatically sync with your AMS system.  This provides athletic trainers, strength coaches and sport coaches to have access to the most up-to-date information.

Improved Accuracy: By reducing the need for manual data entry, APIs help reduce human errors like typos or incomplete information. This ensures that the data in the AMS is more reliable and up-to-date.

Centralized Data: APIs can pull data from many different systems and bring it all together in one place—the AMS. This makes it easier for sport coaches, strength coaches, and medical staff to get a complete picture of an athlete’s health and performance.

Customizable Workflows: With APIs, you can create custom workflows based on specific needs. Almost all technology vendors have APIs, its just a matter of setting up the connection and integrating the new data source.

Scalability: As your organization add new technologies, APIs make is simple to bring new data into an AMS platform.

    Cons of Using APIs to Integrate Data to AMS

    Complex Setup: While APIs can save time in the long run, setting them up can require technical expertise. Depending on the systems being integrated, configuring the API and ensuring it works smoothly can be challenging, especially for teams without dedicated support.

    Costs: Some APIs come with additional fees. Additionally, some AMS providers will limit the number of APIs you can connect too.

    Maintenance: APIs require ongoing maintenance. If the software you're connecting to changes or updates its API it could disrupt data flow if not managed properly.

      FAQ - APIs and AMS Platforms

      1. Are APIs completely hands off (no work required)?: Simple answer, No. If you are using an AMS provider (Teamworks AMS/Smartabase), the vendor will set up the API, but you will be required to update mapping IDs for each athlete account. The mapping ID tells the API where to send the data. Is it time consuming, not really, but you will have to remember to do it each time you create a new account.
      2. How often does an API sync data?: This depends on the API. Some sync immediately after a test or new session. Other APIs sync on a time interval like every 15 minutes or daily.
      3. Are APIs worth it?: Yes, no question about it. There are a few situations where I would advise against using an API, but those are few and far between. You will save time and effort utilizing APIs, even though on occasion you will have to deal with the frustration of missing data, API downtime/maintenance. The pros outweigh the cons. If you have ever manually exported data on a consistent basis to update a dashboard you wll definitely understand the benefits of an API.


      APIs are powerful tools for integrating data into Athlete Management Systems (Smartabase and others). They offer automation, accuracy, and the ability to centralize data, which can lead to better insights into athlete performance and health. When implemented and maintained correctly, APIs can streamline workflows, save you time as a practitioner and make athlete management more effective.

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